Cell phones and social media have changed the landscape of teenage relationships. It’s now easier than ever to connect with someone, which can be both good and bad. On the one hand, keeping in touch with friends and family is great. On the other hand, it can be challenging to navigate the waters of teenage relationships when social media is involved.

You must have conversations with your teen about their social media use and their relationships so that you can set boundaries. This way, you can help them stay safe and healthy both online and offline.

As teenagers explore their phone capabilities and learn more about themselves and each other, they may sometimes behave in ways that cross the line. If you notice any changes in your teen’s mood or behavior, it’s important to talk to them about it. They may be withdrawing from friends or activities, losing interest in school, or sleeping more or less than usual. 

Dangers of Talking to Strangers

Social media makes it easy to connect with new people, which can be both good and bad. Teens can use social media to find friends and build relationships, but they can also be exposed to danger if they share too much personal information or meet up with people they don’t know.

It’s essential to keep an open dialogue with your teen about who they are talking to online. If they are talking to someone you don’t know, ask them how they know that person and why they are talking to them. 

Share with your teen the dangers of talking to strangers online, and try to explain why you are concerned. If your teen is talking to someone you don’t know, try not to get too angry. This will only make them want to hide their behavior from you. Instead, explain your feelings and concerns.

The Value of Personal Interactions 

Social media cannot provide the same level of interaction as real life. You can’t physically touch or see the person you’re talking to, so it’s easy to miscommunicate. Social media is not as good as face-to-face interaction for getting to know someone or for building a relationship.

The overuse of social media may negatively affect teens’ social and emotional development. Although online contact can help teens initiate and develop relationships, too much time spent on social media can have the opposite effect. Teens who spend excessive time on social media may have difficulty forming real-life relationships and become more isolated and withdrawn.

Feelings of Isolation

If we rely too much on social media, we may withdraw from society and become more isolated. When we compare ourselves to others on social media, we can start to feel like we’re not good enough. We might start to believe that everyone else’s lives are better than ours and that we’ll never measure up. This is especially true for teenagers, who are still trying to figure out who they are.

Unrealistic expectations can often lead to feelings of jealousy and self-doubt. When teens expect too much from themselves or others, they can feel disappointed and resentful.  It’s essential to remind your teenage child that what they see on social media isn’t always an accurate portrayal of someone’s life. Just because someone’s life looks perfect outside doesn’t mean it is. We all have our own battles to fight, and social media shouldn’t be used as a comparison tool.

It’s important to talk to your teen about their expectations for the future and make sure those expectations are realistic. Having an open conversation about this can help prevent your teen from being disappointed later on.


While social media can positively impact teenage relationships by providing a way to connect with distant friends and family, it can also have negative consequences. Social media can be a source of cyberbullying and other forms of aggression, damaging self-esteem and leading to anxiety and depression. Therefore, it is crucial for parents to monitor their teen’s social media use and encourage a healthy balance of online and offline activity.

Are you looking for a psychotherapist in Long Island, NY? Reach out to Sarah J. Person, LCSW-R, offering psychotherapy for teens and adults. Book a phone consultation.